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How to create refund and unsubscribe automations in Simplero

When a customer asks for a refund or decide to unsubscribe from a membership, then we want to automatically remove them from the product(s) they purchased in Simplero. 

When a customer gets a refund or unsubscribes, Edpay will add a tag to the contact. This tag should then trigger an automation to remove them from the product(s). 

Go to Automations in Simplero, and create a new automation. The "Trigger" is what will start the automation to run. Set the trigger to "Tag is added" and insert the same tag you chose in Edpay. For eksample something like this: "ProductNameUnsubscribe".

After the trigger you insert the steps you want to complete. Add a step to remove access to the course they purchased. You can also choose to remove a tag, send a thank you email etc.