How to set up email notifications of new purchases in Kajabi
If you want a notification after each purchase through Edpay, then you can set up an email automation in Kajabi to send you the information you need.
Go to an offer in Kajabi and create a new automation. Choose "Offer is granted", "Send an email" and "To my team". Add the email you want to send the email to under "Recipients" (press tab after you entered the email to add it properly). And finally, fill will out the email you want to send.
Here is a picture of all the steps:
To include the customer name and email in the notification, then add the following text to the email "Body":
The customer is:
First name: {{first_name}}
Last name: {{last_name}}
Email: {{email}}
If you have any questions, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. 😊